Hi Gang. . .
Welcome to issue #25! Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we have been doing KUDZOO for six and a half years. Time flies when you’re having fun.
This issue, we look back at 2017, listing the best albums, books and movies of the year, and present our far too large listing of musicians we lost during the year. It was a terrible year for Southern rockers, losing two founding members of the Allman brothers plus their producer and friend, as well as two founding members of Molly Hatchet. And then there was the great Tom Petty. As you can see in the article, these were but a few tragic of the losses. In fact, the past two years together robbed us of an unbelievable amount of great artists.
And speaking of passings, we had this issue ready to publish when we received word that founding Cowboy member and singer/songwriter Scott Boyer had passed away the night before in his sleep in Killen, Alabama. It was a shock and a heartbreaker. All I could think was “we have to scrap the cover and put our buddy Scott on the cover,” which we did. As a tribute, we decided to run my interview with Scott that appears in my book Capricorn Rising (Mercer University Press). Rest easy, Scott. We will miss you buddy.
We also present an archived interview with Gregg Allman in tribute, and a never before published interview I had with Butch Trucks just a little over a month before his tragic death. Butch was in a great mood that day and very excited about life and getting back out on the road with his band Freight Train.
We pay tribute to our friend Dave Hlubek of Molly Hatchet by digging up an article we did in the first issue of GRITZ magazine over 15 years ago in which Dave shares his famous fried chicken recipe, and as a bonus, his own take on cornbread. I’ll never forget how happy Dave was to see that issue come out. He asked for extra copies. He couldn’t wait to show it to his mother. I thought that was cool.
There’s a restaurant review you need to check out, especially if you plan to be in Upstate SC anytime soon. As always there are the usual album, DVD and book reviews in a blatant attempt to influence your personal tastes.Tom Bell shares some great photographs from the first Southern Rock Cruise, and our friend Electra looks at the problem of drug addiction and it’s long term effects in her Rock and Roll Health Chick column.
I hope you guys dig this issue. Please e-mail me and let me know. We welcome all communications including “letters to the editor” for publication. Thank you for reading! Rock on!
- Michael Buffalo Smith
Welcome to issue #25! Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we have been doing KUDZOO for six and a half years. Time flies when you’re having fun.

And speaking of passings, we had this issue ready to publish when we received word that founding Cowboy member and singer/songwriter Scott Boyer had passed away the night before in his sleep in Killen, Alabama. It was a shock and a heartbreaker. All I could think was “we have to scrap the cover and put our buddy Scott on the cover,” which we did. As a tribute, we decided to run my interview with Scott that appears in my book Capricorn Rising (Mercer University Press). Rest easy, Scott. We will miss you buddy.
We also present an archived interview with Gregg Allman in tribute, and a never before published interview I had with Butch Trucks just a little over a month before his tragic death. Butch was in a great mood that day and very excited about life and getting back out on the road with his band Freight Train.
We pay tribute to our friend Dave Hlubek of Molly Hatchet by digging up an article we did in the first issue of GRITZ magazine over 15 years ago in which Dave shares his famous fried chicken recipe, and as a bonus, his own take on cornbread. I’ll never forget how happy Dave was to see that issue come out. He asked for extra copies. He couldn’t wait to show it to his mother. I thought that was cool.
There’s a restaurant review you need to check out, especially if you plan to be in Upstate SC anytime soon. As always there are the usual album, DVD and book reviews in a blatant attempt to influence your personal tastes.Tom Bell shares some great photographs from the first Southern Rock Cruise, and our friend Electra looks at the problem of drug addiction and it’s long term effects in her Rock and Roll Health Chick column.
I hope you guys dig this issue. Please e-mail me and let me know. We welcome all communications including “letters to the editor” for publication. Thank you for reading! Rock on!
- Michael Buffalo Smith